Research and innovation for


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About Us

TGD is an innovative SME specialized in the research and development of innovative ingredients for dietary supplements based on essential oils. The combination of entrepreneurial spirit, scientific research, and internationally recognized clinical experience is a key strength of TGD and forms the foundation for establishing a leadership position in the nutraceutical market based on essential oils.


Useful for:

Modulation of the microbiota
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Useful for:

Strong Immune Defenses
Antiviral and Antibacterial

Useful for:

Microbiota modulation
Energy metabolism

Useful for:

Microbiota modulation
Recurrent Candidiasis

Useful for:

Inflammatory neuropathic pain
Request our consultation

We also offer consultancy services for in vitro and preclinical studies, and the formulation of nutraceutical products based on essential oils

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